Sycamore Gap

23 February 2024

Incident Type: Rescue

As Mountain Rescue resources were responding to a search incident in the Blyth area, the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust activated us for a walker who had sustained an injury in a fall at Sycamore Gap. Resources were swiftly redeployed to Steel Rigg car park beside Hadrian’s Wall.

Volunteer Team members once on scene worked with the NEAS Community Paramedic to stabilise the man’s injury and package him in a winter casualty bag on a stretcher. A short stretcher carry over rocky and muddy terrain to a Mountain Rescue 4×4 vehicle then followed, before the man was transported by vehicle to the nearest road. By 15.50hrs the injured man had been transferred to a double crewed ambulance for onward transport to hospital.

All that then remained was to extricate one of our response vehicles from a muddy predicament – more on this later!

We wish the walker well for a full and swift recovery and would like to thank the Northumberland National Park Ranger for their assistance.

The incident involved 17 Team members for 3 hours 45 minutes.