Rowlands Gill

09 June 2021

Northumbria Police requested Mountain Rescue’s assistance to search for a high risk missing person in the Rowlands Gill area.

After a search strategy and plan was agreed with the Police Search Adviser, North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves deployed our volunteers members to search difficult wooded areas close to the missing person’s last known point. Our Mountain Rescue Search Dogs England teams also provided great assistance in searching extensive areas of woodland.

As the search was progressing late into the evening, information was received that the missing person had been located near to our incident control. The missing person was assessed by a Team doctor, transferred to a North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust crewed ambulance and taken to hospital for further assessment and treatment.

A positive outcome for all concerned and we wish the missing person and their family well. The incident was a great example of multiagency working leading to a successful conclusion.

The incident involved 26 members for 9 hours.