It was a long day for some of our members on Saturday. Having been out on the hill assessing prospective trainee members from 10.30 to 19.30hrs, a few of our members were turned around to head to Hethpool in the College Valley instead of home.
Border Search and Rescue Unit (BSARU) requested North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team’s and our assistance for an elderly gentleman who had been walking in The Cheviots and hadn’t returned home. With limited information available and no contact with the missing man, our Toyota Hilux was deployed along with three members to Elsdonburn. The intention was to drive the 4x4 tracks up towards the Scottish border and walk sections of the St Cuthbert’s Way not accessible by vehicle.
BSARU focused their efforts on the Scottish side of the border to east and south of Halterburn on the Pennine Way. The Teams were also greatly assisted by the College Valley Estate and local shepherds on quad bikes.
Thankfully following some further information, the gentleman - a local, experienced walker - was located at approximately 22.00hrs by the College Valley Estate Manager on Black Hag. The man was transported off the hill down towards Trowupburn and our vehicle for the journey back to valley. The gentleman was then assessed and other than being tired from a long day on the hill, he was fit and well.
Police Scotland and the gentleman’s neighbours then came round to the College Valley to collect the gentleman and take home for some much needed rest. A very positive outcome all round.
The incident involved 5 Team members for 4 hours 45 minutes. A further 13 members were on standby until 22.10 hours.