Branton Ponds, near Powburn

13 July 2021

A male sustained a lower leg injury whilst walking around Branton Ponds near Powburn. After trying unsuccessfully to weight bear, a call was made to North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust. Once on scene the Community Paramedic requested Mountain Rescue’s assistance to evacuate the walker back to the road.

North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves responded swiftly deploying our Toyota Hilux from Rothbury and Team members. As soon as our vital rescue equipment was on scene, Team members prepared the Titan stretcher and Lyon Equipment Ltd wheel in readiness for the evacuation. The casualty was then packaged on the stretcher for the evacuation along a very overgrown footpath to the road.

By 21.00hrs the casualty was handed over to the NEAS crewed Ambulance for onward transport to hospital.

We would like to wish the casualty well for a swift and full recovery. 💚

The incident involved 7 Team members for 2 hours. A further 8 members were travelling to the RV but were stood down en-route.