NNPMRT 77 Challenge

It’s May, so are you ready to take on the NNPMRT 77 Challenge and help raise funds for the team?

Why 77?

Because as a team we responded to a total of 77 incidents in 2023. That’s 3,968 hours our volunteers spent on incidents alone last year. The average length of an incident was 3.3 hours, the longest incident was 13.75 hours.

What you have to do:

  1. Pick a month & set your challenge – for example, you could run, walk or cycle 77 miles over the month or complete 77 minutes of an activity every day for a month.
  2. Create your fundraising page on JustGiving https://www.justgiving.com/NNPMRT
  3. Use Strava or similar to log your miles and Complete your challenge! Let us know how you’re getting on at supportteam@nnpmrt.org
  4. If you raise over £77 you can choose one of our tote bags or pin badges as a thank you from us


Remember if you are heading out into the hills you #beadventuresmart and pack the right kit, have the right skills and check the weather forecast.